„SINDLEX” - champion!
National Confederation of Trade Unions of Moldova held the third edition of Spartachiada in the period 19 to 21 September 2014. The competition was attended by sports teams of 19 national trade union centers - branch.
Competitions were held in nine sports events: volleyball (men, women), mini-soccer, checkers, chess, table tennis, baton 4X100 race, otgonului Olympic and pulling.
Sport Federation "SINDLEX" was composed of athletes from trade unions "Viitorul", "Salvator", "BORDER" and "DEMNITATE" of the Federation member organizations.
Besides being good professionals, union members demonstrated in sports sample that are good athletes. Successes and zeal athletes were assessed both referees and supporters and spectators.
In the overall standings Spartachiadei Trade Unions Federation "SINDLEX" ranked I and became the champion of 2014, which is a new performance in sports.
Team sports volleyball (men) from the Federation ranked athletes Andrei I. Albot, Sergiu Leaf Igor Ghidu Iurie Sclearenco Dinu Bogut, Taras Ghiliţchi, Nicholay Zgardan demonstrated team spirit and a qualified sports training.
Championship Chess proven Spartachiadei was designated Federation team composed of: Vasily Sanduleac Galina Crigan Alexander Eleţchih.
The sample - table tennis, cheese Dorin Ion Todirca, Victoria CEBAN waged a fierce battle and u to second place.
The women of the Women's Volleyball team - Eugenia Chernomorets, Natalia Tihin Catherine Derivolcova, Oxana Mavrodi, Ala Iancioglo, Alina Hariton and Veronica Nevreanschi They've demonstrated skills and impressed the audience with a professional play, make an effort for which they were rewarded with second place .
Vasily Stegărescu, Sergiu Rimbu, Ion Motel, Nicholay Galbur, Ion Tudoveanu, Vladislav Lard, Igor Nicholas and Sergiu Jereghi managed to impress fans through the power and strength that have made it to trial - pulling otgonului thus topping the second place in the Spartachiadei.
The sample - Victor Reznic checkers, Jordan Iasîbaş Catherine Galuşca occupied third place.
Mini-football team made up of Vasily Turcan, Alexander Mace, Alexander Reaboconi, Vasile Şrubcenco, Denis Panico, Jon Sparrow and Eugen Zuicov had the opponents teams from other national-sectoral trade union centers.
Athletes say that every time, part pleasure sport considering an important way to enhance the health of this image Federation "SINDLEX" with pride and dedication, and are confident that this claim deserves to be kept for the future.
A good preparation showed Victoria Shepherd, Veronica Nevreanschi Alexander Cebotarenco Iurie Cossack in baton 4x 100 m.
The Arbitrator noted that all samples competitions were almost as spectacular as those played by professional athletes.
The ceremony of awarding the winners took place on 21 September, the president of the National Confederation of Trade Unions congratulated all the winners and participants in sporting competitions and expressed the hope that the next Spartachiadă will meet union members from all centers national trade union branch of the Confederation.
The Federation "SINDLEX" expresses its gratitude to all members of the team sports that have shown a high level of training, professionalism and desire to win.
Also President of the Federation Mihail Laşcu expressed its social partners gratitude for the support and contribution to prepare sports teams for participation in Spartachiadă.