Federation of Trade Unions of Moldova «SINDLEX

The chairpersons of trade unions "Demnitate"-Michail Lascu and "SindMAI" - Vasile Dudonu in 2011 in order to consolidate the union movement and to strengthen the role of trade unions for the protection of socio-economic rights and interests of the employees of bodies of Interior of the Republic of Moldova decided to create by combining the Federation of Trade Unions of Moldova «SINDLEX". As a result of successful negotiations, the parties reached an agreement the creation of the Federation as a national - intersectoral trade union center in the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions of Moldova.

Were prepared necessary incorporation documents - The Unification Treaty of the Trade Union "DEMNITATE" and the Trade Union of Workers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Moldova, as well as the Treaty establishing the Federation. These documents were discussed and approved at the Council meeting of both of branch trade unions,and it was decided to hold the Inaugural Conference.

April 25, 2012 held a founding conference in which delegates supported the decision of the Board and a Federation of Trade Unions of Moldova «SINDLEX». Delegates adopted the Charter of the Federation and elected governing bodies.

5.06.2012, the Articles of Association was registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Moldova under the number 5336 and received a certificate of state registration of the Federation of Trade Unions of Moldova «SINDLEX» under the number 1012620004491.

In accordance with the decision of the Inaugural Conference of the chairman of the National intersectoral center - Federation of Trade Unions of Moldova «SINDLEX» JD was elected Mikhail Lascu. Were elected members of the General Council, which was held at the Plenary Session of the Council on the proposal of the President of the Federation was elected to the post:

    Secretary-General of the Federation - Tatyana Romanenko;
    - First Deputy Chairman of the Federation, Alexander Gobjila and Vasile Dudonu;
  - Deputy Chairman of the Federation Elena Skripnik and Angela Otian. 

In accordance with Article 6 of the Charter of the Federation as its main objectives and priorities puts:

-representation and protection at the national level, socio-economic, professional, collective and individual employment rights and interests of trade union members branch centers are part of the Federation;

-promotes the basic principles of the European model of social values;

-protects the freedom of trade unions and workers' rights to form unions and their union in the trade union centers;

-consolidation of trade unions at all levels;

-establishment and development of social dialogue with partners;

-progress in the development of social justice and decent work.

October 20, 2012 Federal Committee took the decision to join the education union "VIITORUL" to the Federation "SINDLEX" as a full member and approved the Merger Agreement.

In accordance with Article 34 of the Charter of the Federation "SINDLEX" November 7, 2012 as a permanent union divisions were established Youth and Women organizations - legal successors of previously established patterns of trade unions "Demnitate", "SindMAI" and "Viitorul".